


1. Horticulture (园艺学) The science and art of cultivating plants.

2. Gardening (园艺) The practice of growing and cultivating plants as a hobby or profession.

3. Landscape Design (景观设计) The process of creating outdoor spaces by arranging plants, trees, and other elements.

4. Planting (种植) The act of putting plants into the ground or other growing mediums.

5. Pruning (修剪) The act of trimming or cutting back plants to promote growth, shape, or control size.

6. Irrigation (灌溉) The process of supplying water to plants artificially.

7. Fertilizer (肥料) A substance added to soil or plants to provide essential nutrients for growth.

8. Pest Control (害虫防治) The management and elimination of pests that can harm plants.

9. Organic Gardening (有机园艺) A method of gardening that avoids the use of synthetic chemicals and focuses on natural techniques and materials.

10. Composting (堆肥) The process of decomposing organic materials to create nutrientrich soil.

11. Greenhouse (温室) A structure used for growing plants in a controlled environment.

12. Seedling (幼苗) A young plant that has recently sprouted from a seed.

13. Transplanting (移植) The act of moving a plant from one location to another.

14. Mulching (覆盖) The process of covering the soil with a layer of organic material to conserve moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate temperature.

15. Pollination (授粉) The transfer of pollen from the male reproductive organ of a flower to the female reproductive organ, leading to fertilization and the production of seeds.



